With a simple gift of time, talent and/or money, you can join a team that is closer than ever to controlling this disease and finding a cure. There are many ways to help. However you choose to get involved, you will bring us closer to a cure while adding more tomorrows for those struggling with cystic fibrosis.
For further details do contact : Dr.K.Venugopal - member of Cystic Fibrosis working group in Chennai, Tamilnadu - India.
Ms. Malathy is the secretary to Dr. Venugopal and will be available from Monday to Saturday (9.00 am – 9.00 pm) in the department. Appointments can be fixed through her in the following numbers :
Ph : 23761751 / 52 / 53 / 54 / 55 / 23761756.
Fax : 23761757.
Email : info@cysticfibrosis.in |